
The message property of the Error object has the value that you pass to the Error() constructor. The stack property contains a string describing the stack trace of the JavaScript call stack at the moment the Error object was created (but not where the throw statement throws it).

The subclasses of the Error class include EvalError, RangeError, ReferenceError, SyntaxError, TypeError, and URIError. The name property of all Error classes is the same as the constructor name.

You can define your own Error subclasses that best encapsulate the error conditions of your program.

class HTTPError extends Error {
   constructor(status, statusText, url) {
      super(`${status} ${statusText}: ${url}`);
      this.status = status;
      this.statusText = statusText;
      this.url = url;

   get name() { return 'HTTPError'; }
let error = new HTTPError(404, 'Not Found', '');
error.status; // => 404
error.message; // => '404 Not Found:'; // => 'HTTPError'